Скрипты git-check
Получить статус по всем дочерним git репозиториям
## gitcheck:
## Check all git repositories in subdirectories, and list the ones with changes
## 30/07/2011, AstroFloyd, bzrcheck
## 18/01/2013, Astrofloyd, gitcheck
# Initialise counters:
let count_all=0
let count_changed=0
let count_unchanged=0
# Set to 1 for more verbose output:
let verbose=0
# Find git repos and loop over them:
for repo in `find . -type d -name ".git"`
let count_all=${count_all}+1
# cd to the dir that contains .git/:
dir=`echo ${repo} | sed -e 's/\/.git/\//'`
cd ${dir}
# If there are changes, print some status and branch info of this repo:
git status -s | grep -v '??' &> /dev/null && {
echo -e "\n\n \E[1;31m ${dir}\E[0m"
git branch -vvra
git status -s | grep -v '??'
let count_changed=${count_changed}+1
# If verbose, print info in the case of no changes:
git status -s | grep -v '??' &> /dev/null || {
if [ ${verbose} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Nothing to do for ${dir}"; fi
let count_unchanged=${count_unchanged}+1
# cd back:
cd - &> /dev/null
# Report status and exit:
echo -ne "\n\n${count_all} git repositories found: "
echo -ne "${count_changed} have changes, "
echo -ne "${count_unchanged} are unchanged.\n\n"